Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wear Sunscreen

Possible benefits of living in a fortified missile silo instead of a townhouse:

-Ample parking
-An atrium that could easily house a redwood
-Perfect lighting for nighthawks
-Noise cancellation for those late night jam sessions
-Nearly party proof
-Unlikely target for petty theft
-Excellent base of operations in case of zombie plague
-Ample storage space
-Self sustaining for extended periods (If you're fine with purified water and MREs)
-Bad ass mailing address (First blast door on your left, twenty kilometers outside of Kiev)
-No solicitors
-Plenty of space for guests
-Good excuse to oust unwanted guests (Oh, theres a launch scheduled in a few minutes, you may want to clear the blast zone.)
-Excellent excuse to buy a huge flat screen (Who wouldn't want to watch the news and pretend to be threatening the world leaders with nuclear warheads?)
-Simple bragging rights
-Fulfilling one of your most ludicrously sensible dreams as a nerdy little child
-Having an excuse to refer to yourself as Commander
-Seriously being considered when you yell "FIRE ZE MISSILES!" at random
-Being able to keep a bear as a pet
-In the foyer
-Being able to seriously purchase warheads
-Makes the transition from mild mannered Kinko's drone to super villain much simpler
-Being able to detect guests from miles away so you can turn the porch light off in advance
-Having a legitimate war room
-Three words: Closed circuit television
-Broadcasting a pirate signal berating the government from your secret underground lair
-Broadcasting a pirate signal from your well known underground lair, and challenging anyone to do anything about it
-Always winning at hide and seek
-Optional sunroof