Sunday, July 12, 2009


So earlier today I was referred to as nocturnal.

I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

No, wait, I am. I like it. Gives me an air of sophistication beyond the irreverent and often snide bouts of sardonic quips. I mean, it can't really be a bad thing right? I live in a large city, my work schedule falls into the time most people spend decompressing from their day and getting ready to go out, so by the time my shift ends I'm on the tram headed towards whatever lair of debauchery and lewd conduct my mates chose to visit that evening.

I suppose what my point here is, why is it that people are most obviously alive at night, and still not known as nocturnal, but I myself, who lives, works, and plays in the dark am some form of special separate creature. It can't be that uncommon, living more at night than during the day.

Besides, it's not my fault your day star is trying to burn me to death. Hands up if you want to be exposed to a giant flaming ball with the ability to blind you for looking at it funny.